lglass-regtool – Registry maintenance tool

lglass-regtool provides a simple interface for registry database maintenance. It consists of multiple subcommands to create, change, update and delete resources.

usage: lglass-regtool [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--editor EDITOR]
                      [--database DATABASE]


Registry management tool

positional arguments:
                        Command to execute
    help                Print help message
    create-object       Create object in registry
    show-object         Show object in registry
    validate-object     Validate object in registry
    edit-object         Edit object in registry
    delete-object       Delete object in registry
    list-objects        List objects
    find-objects        Find objects
    find-inverse        Find inverse objects by schema
    format-object       Reformat object
    whoisd              Run whois server
    roagen              Generate ROA tables
    install-schemas     Install default schemas

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                        Configuration file
  --editor EDITOR, -e EDITOR
                        Editor (e.g. vim, nano)
  --database DATABASE, -D DATABASE
                        Optional url to database


lglass-regtool loads its configuration by default from a file called .lglassrc. This can be changed by using the –config command line option.

The configuration format is JSON and can contain the database URL specification. By default, lglass-regtool will use the current working directory as database basepath.

Creating objects

Objects are created by using the create-object subcommand. This subcommand takes the type and the primary key of the new object and also takes a list of key-value-pairs.

usage: lglass-regtool create-object [-h] [--fill] [--no-fill] [--edit]
                                    [--no-edit] [--validate] [--no-validate]
                                    type primary_key [kvpairs [kvpairs ...]]

positional arguments:
  kvpairs        List of key-value-pairs

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --fill         Prefill required fields with placeholders
  --no-fill      Do not prefill required fields with placeholders
  --edit         Start editor after creation
  --no-edit      Do not start editor after creation
  --validate     Validate object before save
  --no-validate  Do not validate object before save

Displaying objects

Objects are displayed by using the show-object subcommand. This will print the object in a well-formatted fashion.

usage: lglass-regtool show-object [-h] [--padding PADDING] type primary_key

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --padding PADDING, -p PADDING
                        Padding between key and value

Validating objects

Objects are validated by using the validate-object subcommand. This will validate the object against the schemas of the current database and set the appropriate exit code: 0 if the object is valid, 1 if the object is invalid, or 111 if the object was not found.

usage: lglass-regtool validate-object [-h] type primary_key

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

Editing objects

Objects are edited by using the edit-object subcommand. This will load the object and present it in an editor. After closing the editor it will be saved in a well-formatted fashion.

usage: lglass-regtool edit-object [-h] [--validate] [--no-validate]
                                  type primary_key

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --validate     Validate object before save
  --no-validate  Do not validate object before save

Deleting objects

Objects are deleted by using the delete-object subcommand. This subcommand takes the type and the primary key of an object and deletes it in the database.

usage: lglass-regtool delete-object [-h] type primary_key

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

Listing objects

To obtain a listing of objects there is the list-objects subcommand. This subcommand takes the optional –type TYPES argument to subset the returned object types. It prints a listing of objects separated by newlines, where the type and primary key are separated by tabs.

usage: lglass-regtool list-objects [-h] [--type TYPES]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --type TYPES, -T TYPES

Finding objects

To find a specific object without knowing its type there is the find-objects subcommand. It takes a search term as first argument and returns the found objects in the same format as list-objects.

usage: lglass-regtool find-objects [-h] [--type TYPES] term

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --type TYPES, -T TYPES

Finding inverse objects

To find inverse related objects for a given object there is the find-inverse subcommand, which takes the type and the primary key of the base object and returns a list of inverse related objects in the same format as list-objects.

usage: lglass-regtool find-inverse [-h] type primary_key

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

Formatting objects

Objects are formatted by using the format-object subcommand. This subcommand takes the type and the primary key of an object, reads the object, and writes the reformatted version into the database.

usage: lglass-regtool format-object [-h] type primary_key

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

Starting whois server

To start a whoisd on the current database there is the whoisd subcommand, which starts a whois server on port 4343 and host

usage: lglass-regtool whoisd [-h] [-4] [-6] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]
                             [--cidr] [--no-cidr] [--inverse] [--no-inverse]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -4                    Listen on IPv4
  -6                    Listen on IPv6
  --host HOST, -H HOST  Listen on host
  --port PORT, -p PORT  Listen on port
  --cidr, -c            Perform CIDR matching on queries
  --no-cidr             Do not perform CIDR matching on queries
  --inverse, -i         Perform inverse matching on queries
  --no-inverse          Do not perform inverse matching on queries
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