lglass-zonegen – Zonefile generator

The lglass-zonegen tool is a full-featured zone file generator. It generates RFC-conform DNS zones for forward and reverse DNS delegations and supports IPv4 and IPv6.

You have to give at least one –nameserver argument, exactly one –master argument, and exactly one –email argument for your SOA email address. Furthermore, you can use the –database argument for specifying the database basepath.

usage: lglass-zonegen [-h] [--database DATABASE] [--nameserver NAMESERVERS]
                      [--master MASTER] --email EMAIL [--ttl TTL]
                      {dns,rdns4,rdns6} ...

Generator for delegating zones

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --database DATABASE, --db DATABASE, -d DATABASE
                        Whois database
  --master MASTER, -m MASTER
                        Master nameserver
  --email EMAIL, -e EMAIL
                        Email address for SOA
  --ttl TTL, -t TTL     Time to live for generated zone

Forward Zones

To generate forward delegating zones (e.g. normal tld zone) you have to use the dns subcommand. You have to give the –zone argument with the DNS zone as argument. The output will be a valid DNS zone.

usage: lglass-zonegen dns [-h] --zone ZONE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --zone ZONE, -z ZONE  DNS Zone


# Generates the dn42 TLD zone including glue records
$ lglass-zonegen -n ns1.fritz.dn42 -n ns2.fritz.dn42 -m ns1.fritz.dn42 \
  -e fritz.grimpen.net dns -z dn42

Reverse Zones

To generate reverse delegating zones (RDNS zones) you have to use either the rdns4 or the rdns6 subcommand for IPv4 respectively IPv6.

IP version 4

If you are using the rdns4 command then you have to give the network via argument –network. The network has to be a /8, /16, or /24.

usage: lglass-zonegen rdns4 [-h] [--network NETWORK]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network NETWORK, -N NETWORK
                        IPv4 Network


# Generates the rDNS zone
$ lglass-zonegen -n ns1.fritz.dn42 -n ns2.fritz.dn42 -m ns1.fritz.dn42 \
  -e fritz.grimpen.net rdns4 -N
# Generates the rDNS zone
$ lglass-zonegen -n ns1.fritz.dn42 -n ns2.fritz.dn42 -m ns1.fritz.dn42 \
  -e fritz.grimpen.net rdns6 -N

IP version 6

If you are using the rdns6 command then you have to give the network via the argument –network, where the network has to be a valid IPv6 prefix.

usage: lglass-zonegen rdns6 [-h] [--network NETWORK]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --network NETWORK, -N NETWORK
                        IPv6 Network


# Generates the fd00::/8 rDNS zone
$ lglass-zonegen -n ns1.fritz.dn42 -n ns2.fritz.dn42 -m ns1.fritz.dn42 \
  -e fritz.grimpen.net rdns6 -N fd00::/8
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