lglass-rpsl – RPSL object format parser

The lglass-rpsl tool is a simple RPSL object formatter. It supports several options for padding and parsing of object files, including pragma selection. By default, it reads the standard input and writes the formatted object to standard output, but is also capable of doing inplace changes by using the -i command line option.

usage: lglass-rpsl [-h] [--padding PADDING] [--inplace INPLACE [INPLACE ...]]
                   [--whitespace-preserve] [--stop-at-empty-line]
                   [--condense-whitespace] [--validate] [--database DATABASE]

Simple tool for RPSL formatting

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --padding PADDING, -p PADDING
                        Define whitespace padding between key and value
  --inplace INPLACE [INPLACE ...], -i INPLACE [INPLACE ...]
                        Change the RPSL files in-place
                        Turn the whitespace-preserve pragma on
  --stop-at-empty-line  Turn the stop-at-empty-line pragma on
                        Turn the condense-whitespace pragma on
  --validate, -V        Validate RPSL against schema
  --database DATABASE, -D DATABASE
                        Database for schema files
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